'solaris11'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2017.02.13 solaris 11 - 네트워크 IP 설정 - netadm ipadm dladm


$ netadm help

usage: <subcommand> <args> ...
                Print this usage message.

        enable [-p <profile-type>] [-c <ncu-class>] <object-name>
                Enable the specified profile.

        disable [-p <profile-type>] [-c <ncu-class>] <object-name>
                Disable the specified profile.

        list [-x] [-p <profile-type>] [-c <ncu-class>] [<object-name>]
                List profiles and their current states.

                Display all events.

        scan-wifi <link-name>
                Request a WiFi scan for the selected link.

        select-wifi <link-name>
                Make a WLAN selection from the last WiFi scan.


$ ipadm help

The following subcommands are supported:

Address                 : create-addr    delete-addr     disable-addr  
                          down-addr      enable-addr     refresh-addr  
                          reset-addrprop set-addrprop    show-addr     
                          show-addrprop  up-addr

Interface               : disable-if     enable-if       reset-ifprop  
                          set-ifprop     show-if         show-ifprop

IP interface            : create-ip      delete-ip

IPMP interface          : add-ipmp       create-ipmp     delete-ipmp

Protocol property       : reset-prop     set-prop        show-prop

VNI interface           : create-vni     delete-vni

For more info, run: ipadm help <subcommand>


$ dladm help

The following subcommands are supported:

Bridge          : add-bridge     create-bridge   delete-bridge
                  modify-bridge  remove-bridge   show-bridge

Etherstub       : create-etherstub delete-etherstub show-etherstub

EoIB            : create-eoib    delete-eoib     show-eoib

IB              : create-part    delete-part     show-ib         show-part

IP tunnel       : create-iptun   delete-iptun    modify-iptun    show-iptun

Link Aggregation: add-aggr       create-aggr     delete-aggr
                  modify-aggr    remove-aggr     show-aggr

Link            : rename-link    reset-linkprop  set-linkprop
                  show-link      show-linkprop

Secure Object   : create-secobj  delete-secobj   show-secobj

VLAN            : create-vlan    delete-vlan     modify-vlan     show-vlan

VNIC            : create-vnic    delete-vnic     modify-vnic     show-vnic

VXLAN           : create-vxlan   delete-vxlan    show-vxlan

Wifi            : connect-wifi   disconnect-wifi scan-wifi       show-wifi

Capture         : create-cap     delete-cap      show-cap

Miscellaneous   : delete-phys    show-ether      show-phys

For more info, run: dladm help <subcommand>


$ netadm list

TYPE        PROFILE        STATE
ncp         Automatic      disabled
ncp         DefaultFixed   online
loc         DefaultFixed   online
loc         Automatic      offline
loc         NoNet          offline

$ netadm enable -p ncp DefaultFixed

$ netadm enable -p ncp Automatic

$ dladm show-link

$ ipadm show-if

$ ipadm show-addr

$ ipadm show-if

$ ipadm create-ip net0

$ ipadm show-if

$ ipadm create-addr -T static -a local= net0/prod

$ ipadm show-addr

$ ipadm delete-ip net0


Posted by 공간사랑